I think it's not so strange a thing to want to be asked, not so strange either to want to give, and probably terribly sane to want to feel safe. Even now I'm sighing at the relief these three admissions grant. As things are kicking up around me, I suddenly remember Athena, and old friend. Her cool, calm eyes, her steadfastness, her blend of valor and femininity. I see her helm resting on piles of curls, and her spear at the ready, and I hear a little call, a change in note from the one that helped me blaze a new path through the thicket. Understand mistakes, and forgive yourself, for there is always Justice, and It operates in the most beautiful way. Remembering Athena, a wise woman who vigilantly watches, who is ready to defend good choices made.
Statue: Myron Athena, Photo: Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung
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