I think about the happiness of mushrooms, existing peaceably in a group of all stages of development. Like silent, immobile herds of elephants, with tiny mushroom-calves protected around the heels of their mothers. They all have a little smile to share, a little triumph over decay, a little secret about the happenings of a wet June night. These are the things I wish for my own community; the happiness, smiles, triumphs, and secrets. These are the things I wish for myself.
Looking in the mirror I seem a bit worn, a bit more elf-like than usual. Sometimes I second guess the new direction I’ve taken; did I sacrifice something valuable and terribly needed in the world? I’m actually feeling like a certain kind of teen again. Sleeping and waking, I trip, dance and plod through living, forgetting some passages of the music, changing beats, striking up different verses to complicate and enliven the heartbeat finding its own rhythm within. I hope the good choices have out weighed the bad, and I hope I can learn to be true to the gifts bestowed upon me, everyday.
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