The heat descends upon us. The animals meet it with a long belly stretch upon the cool slabs of the patio; the humans with befuddled agony. Cancer has arrived to lend the Sun pinching claws to take us by surprise, and to lend precedence to the home we cultivate around us. Working is slowly taking over living, even as Sun is over-taking her zenith. Stooping and hilling, we work against beating rays, and remember life as it once was, when earning life was all of life; that and making better what already existed, the simple art of improvement in all facets of living, humble or grand. A little blister bubbles up where hard working has surprised the unaccustomed flesh.
A starry night awaits the patient listener when day is done. The twinkling light reflected in the beating pulses of fireflies in the darkened surround. Would that we could be the same, reflecting back a shade of that Light which permeates our whole existence.
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