I see the importance of being around those who bring out the good in you. Who, simply by their existing inspire and allow that which is uplifting for you, that which helps you evolve. I can see no concrete material reasoning behind these deep and permeating connections, save those that are found between family, and I am again astounded by the Grace inherent on our earthlives. Blinded so we fall and begin again like jolly children, we enjoy the well-worn tenderness between each other without the burden of in-depth history, toil, and heartbreak. What a gift is Earth, perfectly tended yet malleable, a mirror for our collective inner state, forgiving yet just, simple and beautiful.
And that night I went to sleep, heart beating, mind whirling, soul uncorked, and grateful for life. I remember myself like an old friend, and I like me, the real me, the freed me. As fear peals away like dirtied clothing from a happily exhausted gardener, I am left with a near uncontrollable love. All I could ask right now is to give back something of value, something furthering, something of myself.
I've set aside a worn out pair of shoes this weekend, and life is different. The path has allowed for a change previously inconceivable, like the first plate of spinach taken from the ground and steaming before me after Winter and new Spring have passed. That life can change so quickly and completely for the better leaves me breathless. When all is said, it is the time we have spent here, what we have chosen to do with it, that will define us; time that can never be repeated, time that can be shared, moments that can be forgiven, feelings that have their best possible time to be expressed. Being bound to this Earth, this body, and this time, aren't so bad after all.
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