When moments of peace find me, I come back, again and again to the simple reality that life is unspeakably beautiful. Now that lusty March has turned its median, Nature seems to return to the same reality. All is so clear, strong, and bright; a first clear call from light and air to begin the upbuilding, to shake off the thin veil of inactivity and sleepy deadness. Buds are full to near bursting, like anxious children waiting for the appearance of their dear friend the grass to join them in an eruption of play. The human part of my landscape suddenly looks pale and a little dizzy - skin unaccustomed to the Sun, and bodies charged waveringly with new energy, we wake up from our Winter dreaming, feel once more the pressure of Time against our actions, and gather ourselves for work. I'm shaky still from the experinces around my birthday, and I'm still only just tasting the flavor of what's to come - like the maple trees, whose sap only suggests the sweetness that will take time and effort to condense. I hold on to what sensation I have, turn to Sun, open myself to growth, and thank the Creator for all such possibility.
Thank you for the comment! You have such a gift with writing.....it is so deep. Thanks for sharing!